Wednesday, June 15, 2011

finally… hardware circuit…

I been totally confused of my own final project for the last 2 months until he came with the circuit...
well, I don’t know if I was disappointed or just too stupid to engineer a system. After finding out that this PLC works only with logical I/O then the connection problem could be only solved with the hardware… ahahaha… waw..
so at the first place I imagined that I was gonna design a nice control system in a nice plant system (I mean the analog one). But, now I know that in order to perform (even) such a simple research I have to make sure that I comprehend the whole component of plant, not only the control theory. ahahah.. I mean  they are both important and I missed the first one.
I was dreaming of building a simple fuzzy control system in a gantry robot but in fact i can only build On-Off. I didn't say that this method is bad for the default purpose of the gantry robot, but for several developed analog pick and place with high accuracy it would rise an oscillation problem. And even if I had simulated fuzzy control on a 2nd order with no significant oscillation during the transition yet I couldn't say that the fuzzy control could really work without oscillation in this real gantry robot. This is really nice experience, finding out that the reality is much boring than what written on the book. ahahaha
back, to the circuit. Confusing with OPC programming made me decide to take a hardware solution for PC-PLC connection… ahahah… I don’t even build the circuit, cuz I never had experience in electronics, ahahah…. the problem rise from this solution is DELAY of the I/O response. well, at least that’s what my experienced in this robot.