Monday, April 26, 2010

testing from windows live

to wow…. it’s just great… i mean, quite helpful, that u don’t have to log in to blogspot directly,instead you only need to turn on the windows live  and do your blogging… it’s rally nice… LOL wat a dumb… i never tried it before… never like it, until found out that its rewally easy… ehehehehe.. (that’s lol in bahasa Indonesia).

anyway, talking about blogging, my fren has just got a new spirit, that he has moved from his old blog to a new one… such a transition, i found it better than the old one. then, no doubt to say that hes got a new spirit in blogging… ahahaha… congratulation, Azam Bahtiar…


Azam Bahtiar said...

Endi "new spirit"-e?? Kok durung nulis meneh??

Ayo nulis Mbah!

nadzor said...

pingin nulis tapi kadang tak woco tulisanku gak uenak diwoco...